Allen Buansi announces run for NC House

Dear Friends,

As a lifelong Chapel Hill resident, I have dedicated my life to serving and empowering our community. I have advocated for the same schools and teachers that educated me and for the same town services I used growing up. The people of Orange County have given me so much, and I am committed to continuing as a champion for them in every way I can. That is why I am honored to announce my run for N.C. State House District 56 to continue to serve and advocate for the residents and communities of Orange County.

I would be remiss in announcing this decision if I did not acknowledge and thank Representative Verla Insko for her many years of service to our district. Representative Insko has long been a champion of the people, both here at home in Orange County and across North Carolina, fighting for equitable access to healthcare, education, and clean, safe communities for all North Carolinians. The person who serves in this seat after her will have enormous shoes to fill.

For years, I have had a vision of North Carolina shared by many of you. This vision is of a North Carolina where we robustly invest in our children and in public education, from pre-kindergarten through college. I envision a North Carolina where there is an abundance of opportunities for economic security and growth through continual learning for every individual and their families, especially our most vulnerable. I envision a North Carolina where healthcare and high-speed Internet are more affordable and accessible for our fellow North Carolinians in rural communities. And I envision a North Carolina where each of us -- residents, businesses, governments and schools -- step up our efforts to protect our planet for the generations to come and bring about climate justice. If elected, these are the priorities I will bring to Raleigh.

With a wide range of experience in leadership, both in and out of elected office, I am uniquely qualified to serve the people of our county in the North Carolina General Assembly. For the past four years, I served on the Chapel Hill Town Council where I helped to lead innovative initiatives for criminal justice reform, environmental protections and affordable housing. My fellow council members and I are steadfast in our work to protect our most vulnerable residents during the ongoing pandemic. 

In addition to elected office, I have worked as a civil rights lawyer and now as a city attorney. I specialize in areas of law related to community inclusion, environmental justice, municipal law and public education. In this work, I have seen firsthand how state laws have restrained communities from becoming more inclusive and equitable - something I plan to change in Raleigh. 

Thank you so much to those who have raised me, taught me, supported me, organized with me, worked in the community with me and served with me in elected office on the Chapel Hill Town Council, the Carrboro Town Council, the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Board of Commissioners. The kindness and support of the community has opened so many doors for me, including this one, and I would be honored to once again earn the support of my community in this election. I look forward to seeing you on the trail! 

Thank you,

Allen Buansi 


INDY Week Exclusive: Chapel Hill Council Member Allen Buansi Will Run for Rep. Insko’s State House Seat